Knowing and Saving Parameters Can Be a Great Time Saver02/17/2017The parameters programmed into a drive or control are every bit as important as the electronics within the unit. Without the correct parameters, the process will simply not run correctly, if at all. When a modern drive fails, there is always the possibility that the programming could be lost. Operating parameters for the drive are usually stored within the control board of the drive. The parameters tell the drive what to do and how to do it. How fast to accelerate or decelerate, current limits, torque limits, what to do when certain input signals are received, and pretty much any other functions or operations the drive has to perform. As a maintenance professional, it is a very good idea to know what any and all parameters are before disaster strikes, so that if it does, you will be prepared. Many drives such as the Danfoss VLT5000 series of AC drives have the ability to communicate with a computer by using special software and cables. Most drive manufacturers will provide the software for free as a convenience to users to store their program. Parameters can usually be accessed and manually recorded using the drive’s HIM module, which is the keypad and display. Recording parameters manually with pen and paper may take longer if a computer and software are not available, but it is always worth the time it takes in the event the drive needs to be repaired. Many drive HIM modules, such as the VLT5000, also have the ability to save the parameters within them to transfer to another drive for quick identical programming. When PES repairs drives and motor controls, we make every effort to save the parameters that are currently stored in the drive, but there are times when programs are corrupted by whatever caused the damage to the drive. If, during the course of the repair, the control board must be replaced, the program may not be able to be saved. That is when having the parameters recorded makes life easier all around. If a customer can provide the parameters, either in software format or in written format, we are able to re-enter the program and the drive will be ready to install when it is received by the user. If the parameters are lost and have not been recorded, the repair is still able to be performed but to get up and running again may involve actions ranging from some experimentation for simpler applications to having a machine’s factory engineer to come out on site to re-program the application. It may take a little bit of time and effort to save or record parameters for your drives, but it is definitely time and effort well invested in the event of trouble. It will be a time saver and definitely a money saver to know what the parameters are and what they do if you have to re-program your controls. Back To Blog
Knowing and Saving Parameters Can Be a Great Time Saver02/17/2017The parameters programmed into a drive or control are every bit as important as the electronics within the unit. Without the correct parameters, the process will simply not run correctly, if at all. When a modern drive fails, there is always the possibility that the programming could be lost. Operating parameters for the drive are usually stored within the control board of the drive. The parameters tell the drive what to do and how to do it. How fast to accelerate or decelerate, current limits, torque limits, what to do when certain input signals are received, and pretty much any other functions or operations the drive has to perform. As a maintenance professional, it is a very good idea to know what any and all parameters are before disaster strikes, so that if it does, you will be prepared. Many drives such as the Danfoss VLT5000 series of AC drives have the ability to communicate with a computer by using special software and cables. Most drive manufacturers will provide the software for free as a convenience to users to store their program. Parameters can usually be accessed and manually recorded using the drive’s HIM module, which is the keypad and display. Recording parameters manually with pen and paper may take longer if a computer and software are not available, but it is always worth the time it takes in the event the drive needs to be repaired. Many drive HIM modules, such as the VLT5000, also have the ability to save the parameters within them to transfer to another drive for quick identical programming. When PES repairs drives and motor controls, we make every effort to save the parameters that are currently stored in the drive, but there are times when programs are corrupted by whatever caused the damage to the drive. If, during the course of the repair, the control board must be replaced, the program may not be able to be saved. That is when having the parameters recorded makes life easier all around. If a customer can provide the parameters, either in software format or in written format, we are able to re-enter the program and the drive will be ready to install when it is received by the user. If the parameters are lost and have not been recorded, the repair is still able to be performed but to get up and running again may involve actions ranging from some experimentation for simpler applications to having a machine’s factory engineer to come out on site to re-program the application. It may take a little bit of time and effort to save or record parameters for your drives, but it is definitely time and effort well invested in the event of trouble. It will be a time saver and definitely a money saver to know what the parameters are and what they do if you have to re-program your controls.