Allen Bradley PowerFlex 525 Fault Codes06/11/2021When your Allen Bradley PowerFlex 525 drive gives trouble, diagnosing the issue and getting the drive back in service quickly can be imperative. Fortunately, most problems with the PowerFlex 525 drive series VFD products can be diagnosed by the fault code indicated on its display. Below are listed the PowerFlex 525 Fault Codes with fault number, Fault/Alarm Text, description of the fault and possible solutions. For more detailed information, see below for a link to the PowerFlex 525 troubleshooting guide. Fault Name/Description/Action F000 No Fault No fault present. ----- F002 Auxiliary Input External trip (Auxiliary) input. • Check remote wiring. • Verify communications programming for intentional fault. ----- F003 Power Loss Single phase operation detected with excessive load. • Monitor the incoming AC line for low voltage or line power interruption. • Check input fuses. ----- F004 UnderVoltage DC bus voltage fell below the minimum value. • Monitor the incoming AC line for low voltage or line power interruption. ----- F005 OverVoltage DC bus voltage exceeded maximum value. • Monitor the AC line for high line voltage or transient conditions. Bus overvoltage can also be caused by motor regeneration. Extend the decel time or install dynamic brake option. ----- F006 Motor Stalled Drive is unable to accelerate or decelerate motor. • Increase P041, A442, A444, A446 [Accel Time x] or reduce load so drive output current does not exceed the current set by parameter A484, A485 [Current Limit x] for too long. ----- F007 Motor Overload Internal electronic overload trip. • An excessive motor load exists. • Reduce load so drive output current does not exceed the current set by parameter P033 [Motor OL Current]. • Verify A530 [Boost Select] setting. ----- F008 Heatsink OvrTmp Heatsink/Power Module temperature exceeds a predefined value. • Check for blocked or dirty heat sink fins. • Verify that ambient temperature has not exceeded the rated ambient temperature. • Check fan. ----- F009 CC OvrTmp Control module temperature exceeds a predefined value. • Check product ambient temperature. • Check for airflow obstruction. • Check for dirt or debris. • Check fan. ----- F012 HW OverCurrent The drive output current has exceeded the hardware current limit. • Check programming. • Check for excess load, improper A530 [Boost Select] setting, DC brake volts set too high or other causes of excess current. ----- F013 Ground Fault A current path to earth ground has been detected at one or more of the drive output terminals. • Check the motor and external wiring to the drive output terminals for a grounded condition. ----- F015 Load Loss The output torque current is below the value programmed in A490 [Load Loss Level] for a time period greater than the time programmed in A491 [Load Loss Time]. • Verify connections between motor and load. • Verify level and time requirements ----- F021 Output Ph Loss Output Phase Loss (if enabled). Configure with A557 [Out Phas Loss En]. • Verify motor wiring. • Verify motor. ----- F029 Analog In Loss An analog input is configured to fault on signal loss. A signal loss has occurred. Configure with t094 [Anlg In V Loss] or t097 [Anlg In mA Loss]. • Check for broken/loose connections at inputs. • Check parameters. ----- F033 Auto Rstrt Tries Drive unsuccessfully attempted to reset a fault and resume running for the programmed number of A541 [Auto Rstrt Tries]. • Correct the cause of the fault and manually clear. ----- F038 Phase U to Gnd A phase to ground fault has been detected between the drive and motor in this phase. • Check the wiring between the drive and motor. • Check motor for grounded phase. ----- F039 Phase V to Gnd A phase to ground fault has been detected between the drive and motor in this phase. • Check the wiring between the drive and motor. • Check motor for grounded phase. ----- F040 Phase W to Gnd A phase to ground fault has been detected between the drive and motor in this phase. • Check the wiring between the drive and motor. • Check motor for grounded phase. ----- F041 Phase UV Short Excessive current has been detected between these two output terminals. • Check the motor and drive output terminal wiring for a shorted condition. ----- F042 Phase UW Short Excessive current has been detected between these two output terminals. • Check the motor and drive output terminal wiring for a shorted condition. ----- F043 Phase VW Short Excessive current has been detected between these two output terminals. • Check the motor and drive output terminal wiring for a shorted condition. ----- F048 Params Defaulted The drive was commanded to write default values to EEPROM. • Clear the fault or cycle power to the drive. • Program the drive parameters as needed. ----- F059 Safety Open Both of the safety inputs (Safety 1, Safety 2) are not enabled. Configure with t105 [Safety Open En]. • Check safety input signals. If not using safety, verify and tighten jumper for I/O terminals S1, S2 and S+. ----- F063 SW OverCurrent Programmed A486, A488 [Shear Pinx Level] has been exceeded for a time period greater than the time programmed in A487, A489 [Shear Pin x Time]. • Verify connections between motor and load. • Verify level and time requirements. ----- F064 Drive Overload Drive overload rating has been exceeded. • Reduce load or extend Accel Time. ----- F070 Power Unit Failure has been detected in the drive power section. • Check maximum ambient temperature has not been exceeded. • Cycle power. • Replace drive if fault cannot be cleared. ----- F071 DSI Net Loss Control over the Modbus or DSI communication link has been interrupted. • Cycle power. • Check communications cabling. • Check Modbus or DSI setting. • Check Modbus or DSI status. ----- F072 Opt Net Loss Control over the network option card’s remote network has been interrupted. • Cycle power. • Check communications cabling. • Check network adapter setting. • Check external network status. ----- F073 EN Net Loss Control through the embedded EtherNet/IP adapter has been interrupted. • Cycle power. • Check communications cabling. • Check EtherNet/IP setting. • Check external network status. ----- F080 Autotune Failure The autotune function was either cancelled by the user or failed. • Restart procedure. ----- F081 DSI Comm Loss Communications between the drive and the Modbus or DSI master device have been interrupted. • Cycle power. • Check communications cabling. • Check Modbus or DSI setting. • Check Modbus or DSI status. • Modify using C125 [Comm Loss Action]. • Connecting I/O terminals C1 and C2 to ground may improve noise immunity. • Replace wiring, Modbus master device, or control module. ----- F082 Opt Comm Loss Communications between the drive and the network option card have been interrupted. • Cycle power. • Reinstall option card in drive. • Modify using C125 [Comm Loss Action]. • Replace wiring, port expander, option card, or control module. ----- F083 EN Comm Loss Internal communications between the drive and the embedded EtherNet/IP adapter have been interrupted. • Cycle power. • Check EtherNet/IP setting. • Check drive’s Ethernet settings and diagnostic parameters. • Modify using C125 [Comm Loss Action]. • Replace wiring, Ethernet switch, or control module. ----- F091 Encoder Loss Requires differential encoder. One of the 2 encoder channel signals is missing. • Check Wiring. • If P047, P049, P051 [Speed Referencex] = 16 “Positioning” and A535 [Motor Fdbk Type] = 5 “Quad Check”, swap the Encoder channel inputs or swap any two motor leads. • Replace encoder. ----- F094 Function Loss “Freeze-Fire” (Function Loss) input is inactive, input to the programmed terminal is open. • Close input to the terminal and cycle power. ----- F100 Parameter Chksum Drive parameter non-volatile storage is corrupted. • Set P053 [Reset To Defalts] to 2 “Factory Rset”. ----- F101 External Storage External non-volatile storage has failed. • Set P053 [Reset To Defalts] to 2 “Factory Rset”. ----- F105 C Connect Err Control module was disconnected while drive was powered. • Clear fault and verify all parameter settings. Do not remove or install the control module while power is applied. ----- F106 Incompat C-P The PowerFlex 525 control module does not support power modules with 0.25 HP power rating. • Change to a different power module. • Change to a PowerFlex 523 control module. ----- F107 Replaced C-P The control module could not recognize the power module. Hardware failure. • Change to a different power module. • Replace control module if changing power module does not work. ----- F109 Mismatch C-P The control module was mounted to a different drive type power module. • Set P053 [Reset To Defalts] to 3 “Power Reset”. ----- F110 Keypad Membrane Keypad membrane failure / disconnected. • Cycle power. • Replace control module if fault cannot be cleared. ----- F111 Safety Hardware Safety input enable hardware malfunction. One of the safety inputs is not enabled. • Check safety input signals. If not using safety, verify and tighten jumper for I/O terminals S1, S2 and S+. • Replace control module if fault cannot be cleared. ----- F114 uC FailureMicroprocessor failure. • Cycle power. • Replace control module if fault cannot be cleared. ----- F122 I/O Board Fail Failure has been detected in the drive control and I/O section. • Cycle power. • Replace drive or control module if fault cannot be cleared. ----- F125 Flash Update Req The firmware in the drive is corrupt, mismatched, or incompatible with the hardware. • Perform a firmware flash update operation to attempt to load a valid set of firmware. ----- F126 NonRecoverablErr A non-recoverable firmware or hardware error was detected. The drive was automatically stopped and reset. • Clear fault or cycle power to the drive. • Replace drive or control module if fault cannot be cleared. ----- F127 DSIFlashUpdatReq A critical problem with the firmware was detected and the drive is running using backup firmware that only supports DSI communications. • Perform a firmware flash update operation using DSI communications to attempt to load a valid set of firmware. ----- If you determine that your PowerFlex 525 drive needs service, or you’re just not sure, give us a call at 1-800-732-4695 to send your defective VFD in for repair. We have the experience necessary to get your defective PowerFlex 525 back in operation quickly with our quality repair service. *There is a link to the troubleshooting section of the PowerFlex 525 manual below. PowerFlex 525 Series Troubleshooting.pdf Back To Blog
Allen Bradley PowerFlex 525 Fault Codes06/11/2021When your Allen Bradley PowerFlex 525 drive gives trouble, diagnosing the issue and getting the drive back in service quickly can be imperative. Fortunately, most problems with the PowerFlex 525 drive series VFD products can be diagnosed by the fault code indicated on its display. Below are listed the PowerFlex 525 Fault Codes with fault number, Fault/Alarm Text, description of the fault and possible solutions. For more detailed information, see below for a link to the PowerFlex 525 troubleshooting guide. Fault Name/Description/Action F000 No Fault No fault present. ----- F002 Auxiliary Input External trip (Auxiliary) input. • Check remote wiring. • Verify communications programming for intentional fault. ----- F003 Power Loss Single phase operation detected with excessive load. • Monitor the incoming AC line for low voltage or line power interruption. • Check input fuses. ----- F004 UnderVoltage DC bus voltage fell below the minimum value. • Monitor the incoming AC line for low voltage or line power interruption. ----- F005 OverVoltage DC bus voltage exceeded maximum value. • Monitor the AC line for high line voltage or transient conditions. Bus overvoltage can also be caused by motor regeneration. Extend the decel time or install dynamic brake option. ----- F006 Motor Stalled Drive is unable to accelerate or decelerate motor. • Increase P041, A442, A444, A446 [Accel Time x] or reduce load so drive output current does not exceed the current set by parameter A484, A485 [Current Limit x] for too long. ----- F007 Motor Overload Internal electronic overload trip. • An excessive motor load exists. • Reduce load so drive output current does not exceed the current set by parameter P033 [Motor OL Current]. • Verify A530 [Boost Select] setting. ----- F008 Heatsink OvrTmp Heatsink/Power Module temperature exceeds a predefined value. • Check for blocked or dirty heat sink fins. • Verify that ambient temperature has not exceeded the rated ambient temperature. • Check fan. ----- F009 CC OvrTmp Control module temperature exceeds a predefined value. • Check product ambient temperature. • Check for airflow obstruction. • Check for dirt or debris. • Check fan. ----- F012 HW OverCurrent The drive output current has exceeded the hardware current limit. • Check programming. • Check for excess load, improper A530 [Boost Select] setting, DC brake volts set too high or other causes of excess current. ----- F013 Ground Fault A current path to earth ground has been detected at one or more of the drive output terminals. • Check the motor and external wiring to the drive output terminals for a grounded condition. ----- F015 Load Loss The output torque current is below the value programmed in A490 [Load Loss Level] for a time period greater than the time programmed in A491 [Load Loss Time]. • Verify connections between motor and load. • Verify level and time requirements ----- F021 Output Ph Loss Output Phase Loss (if enabled). Configure with A557 [Out Phas Loss En]. • Verify motor wiring. • Verify motor. ----- F029 Analog In Loss An analog input is configured to fault on signal loss. A signal loss has occurred. Configure with t094 [Anlg In V Loss] or t097 [Anlg In mA Loss]. • Check for broken/loose connections at inputs. • Check parameters. ----- F033 Auto Rstrt Tries Drive unsuccessfully attempted to reset a fault and resume running for the programmed number of A541 [Auto Rstrt Tries]. • Correct the cause of the fault and manually clear. ----- F038 Phase U to Gnd A phase to ground fault has been detected between the drive and motor in this phase. • Check the wiring between the drive and motor. • Check motor for grounded phase. ----- F039 Phase V to Gnd A phase to ground fault has been detected between the drive and motor in this phase. • Check the wiring between the drive and motor. • Check motor for grounded phase. ----- F040 Phase W to Gnd A phase to ground fault has been detected between the drive and motor in this phase. • Check the wiring between the drive and motor. • Check motor for grounded phase. ----- F041 Phase UV Short Excessive current has been detected between these two output terminals. • Check the motor and drive output terminal wiring for a shorted condition. ----- F042 Phase UW Short Excessive current has been detected between these two output terminals. • Check the motor and drive output terminal wiring for a shorted condition. ----- F043 Phase VW Short Excessive current has been detected between these two output terminals. • Check the motor and drive output terminal wiring for a shorted condition. ----- F048 Params Defaulted The drive was commanded to write default values to EEPROM. • Clear the fault or cycle power to the drive. • Program the drive parameters as needed. ----- F059 Safety Open Both of the safety inputs (Safety 1, Safety 2) are not enabled. Configure with t105 [Safety Open En]. • Check safety input signals. If not using safety, verify and tighten jumper for I/O terminals S1, S2 and S+. ----- F063 SW OverCurrent Programmed A486, A488 [Shear Pinx Level] has been exceeded for a time period greater than the time programmed in A487, A489 [Shear Pin x Time]. • Verify connections between motor and load. • Verify level and time requirements. ----- F064 Drive Overload Drive overload rating has been exceeded. • Reduce load or extend Accel Time. ----- F070 Power Unit Failure has been detected in the drive power section. • Check maximum ambient temperature has not been exceeded. • Cycle power. • Replace drive if fault cannot be cleared. ----- F071 DSI Net Loss Control over the Modbus or DSI communication link has been interrupted. • Cycle power. • Check communications cabling. • Check Modbus or DSI setting. • Check Modbus or DSI status. ----- F072 Opt Net Loss Control over the network option card’s remote network has been interrupted. • Cycle power. • Check communications cabling. • Check network adapter setting. • Check external network status. ----- F073 EN Net Loss Control through the embedded EtherNet/IP adapter has been interrupted. • Cycle power. • Check communications cabling. • Check EtherNet/IP setting. • Check external network status. ----- F080 Autotune Failure The autotune function was either cancelled by the user or failed. • Restart procedure. ----- F081 DSI Comm Loss Communications between the drive and the Modbus or DSI master device have been interrupted. • Cycle power. • Check communications cabling. • Check Modbus or DSI setting. • Check Modbus or DSI status. • Modify using C125 [Comm Loss Action]. • Connecting I/O terminals C1 and C2 to ground may improve noise immunity. • Replace wiring, Modbus master device, or control module. ----- F082 Opt Comm Loss Communications between the drive and the network option card have been interrupted. • Cycle power. • Reinstall option card in drive. • Modify using C125 [Comm Loss Action]. • Replace wiring, port expander, option card, or control module. ----- F083 EN Comm Loss Internal communications between the drive and the embedded EtherNet/IP adapter have been interrupted. • Cycle power. • Check EtherNet/IP setting. • Check drive’s Ethernet settings and diagnostic parameters. • Modify using C125 [Comm Loss Action]. • Replace wiring, Ethernet switch, or control module. ----- F091 Encoder Loss Requires differential encoder. One of the 2 encoder channel signals is missing. • Check Wiring. • If P047, P049, P051 [Speed Referencex] = 16 “Positioning” and A535 [Motor Fdbk Type] = 5 “Quad Check”, swap the Encoder channel inputs or swap any two motor leads. • Replace encoder. ----- F094 Function Loss “Freeze-Fire” (Function Loss) input is inactive, input to the programmed terminal is open. • Close input to the terminal and cycle power. ----- F100 Parameter Chksum Drive parameter non-volatile storage is corrupted. • Set P053 [Reset To Defalts] to 2 “Factory Rset”. ----- F101 External Storage External non-volatile storage has failed. • Set P053 [Reset To Defalts] to 2 “Factory Rset”. ----- F105 C Connect Err Control module was disconnected while drive was powered. • Clear fault and verify all parameter settings. Do not remove or install the control module while power is applied. ----- F106 Incompat C-P The PowerFlex 525 control module does not support power modules with 0.25 HP power rating. • Change to a different power module. • Change to a PowerFlex 523 control module. ----- F107 Replaced C-P The control module could not recognize the power module. Hardware failure. • Change to a different power module. • Replace control module if changing power module does not work. ----- F109 Mismatch C-P The control module was mounted to a different drive type power module. • Set P053 [Reset To Defalts] to 3 “Power Reset”. ----- F110 Keypad Membrane Keypad membrane failure / disconnected. • Cycle power. • Replace control module if fault cannot be cleared. ----- F111 Safety Hardware Safety input enable hardware malfunction. One of the safety inputs is not enabled. • Check safety input signals. If not using safety, verify and tighten jumper for I/O terminals S1, S2 and S+. • Replace control module if fault cannot be cleared. ----- F114 uC FailureMicroprocessor failure. • Cycle power. • Replace control module if fault cannot be cleared. ----- F122 I/O Board Fail Failure has been detected in the drive control and I/O section. • Cycle power. • Replace drive or control module if fault cannot be cleared. ----- F125 Flash Update Req The firmware in the drive is corrupt, mismatched, or incompatible with the hardware. • Perform a firmware flash update operation to attempt to load a valid set of firmware. ----- F126 NonRecoverablErr A non-recoverable firmware or hardware error was detected. The drive was automatically stopped and reset. • Clear fault or cycle power to the drive. • Replace drive or control module if fault cannot be cleared. ----- F127 DSIFlashUpdatReq A critical problem with the firmware was detected and the drive is running using backup firmware that only supports DSI communications. • Perform a firmware flash update operation using DSI communications to attempt to load a valid set of firmware. ----- If you determine that your PowerFlex 525 drive needs service, or you’re just not sure, give us a call at 1-800-732-4695 to send your defective VFD in for repair. We have the experience necessary to get your defective PowerFlex 525 back in operation quickly with our quality repair service. *There is a link to the troubleshooting section of the PowerFlex 525 manual below. PowerFlex 525 Series Troubleshooting.pdf